I really cannot think and talk now because I just lost my dearest pet. She was with me since I was still in college. I cannot believe that this afternoon when I opened my door and she was not there welcoming me. She was always running to the door when I got home. She died in her sleep. I hope that she had dreamed of her mommy before she stopped breathing.
We lived together over 12 years. When I broke with boyfriend, dumped by my husband, when I was crying, she was always there, quietly supporting me. I just do not want to realize that she will never come back.
I miss her blue, innocent eyes, and those cute little paws. I remember that in the winter time, she jumped into my bed and slept beside me. she often warmed my feet.
I just lost her. I cannot believe how it culd happen. 12 years means a lot. She was the little angel to me. I won't adopt another cat very soon because I don't even know that how soon I can recover from losing her.
花枝喵,生於1996年,歿於2009年,得年13歲 (活太短了)。是我最鍾愛的貓咪,陪著我度過失戀、分手、婚變。不會說人話,但卻用貓語和可愛的磨蹭伴我度過所有開心和失落的時刻。她是我最忠實的朋友、我的寶貝、我的心頭肉。12年了,我沒有一天願意去想我會失去她,雖然我早知道我終將失去。
Mommy拆掉了妳的紅項圈,留作紀念。雖然乾爹說妳戴著好看,我想也許妳也願意帶去天國,但是我好想妳呀! 好不好讓mommy擁有一些妳的味道,還有永遠都除不完的貓毛?我想妳會懂吧?妳永遠都是那麼貼心的小貓咪。從我第一天開始養妳,我就好喜歡妳。